Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Intro to Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction to Philosophy - Essay Example the individual private discussions with ourselves that we lead ‘in our heads.† People in this way talk about deciding altering my perspective or of being conflicted about some issue about which a choice is required. This fits in with the possibility that the psyche is a private and individual territory to which no other individual approaches. The historical background of the word in English shows how there is some disarray concerning what ‘mind’ really implies. In Old English it was ‘gemynd’, a word used to allude to memory and aim just as speculation (, Harper 2012), in any event, ‘having the psyche aroused’. In Greek the word ‘memona’ alluded to both longing for something and furthermore franticness. In Latin, as in Old English, the word was connected to review and memory. In English by the fourteenth century ‘to mind’ intended to recollect. In French anyway the word is ‘esprit’ or soul, and i n German ‘geist’ for example phantom, both alluding to an immaterial something. The cerebrum is clearly a physical article, it very well may be estimated, watched, even gauged. With current imaging procedures it is even conceivable to see it in real life, artificially, neurologically and electronically. The psyche anyway is significantly less substantial †something we as a whole realize exists yet can't exactly clarify. It is a different element. Our body can be completely loose, even snoozing, yet the brain can be extremely dynamic. The opposite can likewise be valid - we are running along maybe, pushing our body to its physical cutoff points, while simultaneously the brain is basically ticking over, considering practically nothing. The brain can be characterized as that piece of cognizant creatures which reasons, sees, thinks, wills and judges. The Free Dictionary characterizes the psyche as being :- The human cognizance that starts in the cerebrum and is showed particularly in thought, discernment, feeling, will, memory and creative mind. It is additionally portrayed in a similar word reference as :- The aggregate cognizant and oblivious procedures in a conscious creature that direct and impact mental and physical conduct. All psychological being are brought into the world with astounding cerebrums and brains, yet it is something about which mankind when all is said in done knows generally practically nothing. This exposition will think about different perspectives regarding the matter, taking a gander at research, at assessments, common thoughts and strict writings. Almost certainly, man, from most punctual time, has known that he is comprised of more than physical things, more even than what he sees through his detects - man is after every one of the a visionary and furthermore equipped for profound encounters. Presumably the most established known thoughts regarding the psyche originate from Zoroaster who may have lived as some time in the past as 2000 B.C.E.(Parsa, undated), in spite of the fact that appraisals of his dates shift significantly. As per his biographer Zoroaster, a Persian thinker and the organizer of the Zoroastrian religion instructed that :- By keeping the psyche sound and by utilizing innovative powers, people can discover fulfillment and enthusiasm in what they do. In Buddhism the body is contrasted with a house and our brain to a visitor remaining there. As indicated by this conviction when an individual kicks the bucket their brain proceeds onward into the following life or spot , and the house, as houses do, remains behind to be dealt with. (Kadampa 2010). A similar article additionally calls attention to that, as the psyche is undefined, it is absolutely unlimited by physical items †which clarifies why it is conceivable to dream or to think about something without being in its

Saturday, August 22, 2020

security :: essays research papers

The utilization of PCs inside the business and government segment has said to have ‘rapidly expanded in the course of the last fifteen years’; this along these lines gives an entirely different possibility to a particular criminal to succeed, and as a rule, to go absolutely unfamiliar. It has been foreseen that, except if this specific issue is handled head on, misfortunes from the PC wrongdoing may in the long run reach $50 billion every year. One master in the field has assessed that, under present law the odds of a PC criminal being sentenced are 1 out of 500, and of going to prison as 1 out of 1000. The chance of enterprises or banks failing because of PC burglary is genuine. W. John Taggart, â€Å"Computer Law in Australia†. There are numerous types of PC misuse, yet they have come to numerous arrangements. Numerous punishments if the crooks get captured but then there are numerous shortcomings in PC law. With the undertakings pace of advances in innovation, adapting to those delegated ‘computer criminals’ who are consistently one stride ahead, is practically unthinkable. They may ‘patch up’ blames in past frameworks, anyway don't perceive blames in most recent frameworks until it’s past the point of no return. PC wrongdoing includes the unapproved and unlawful utilization of a PC. Given development of innovation in our general public, the frequency of PC rime involves impressive worry for our administrators. The expense of PC wrongdoing in the United States has been evaluated to be at any rate $5000 million per year. (Cudmor, Greg â€Å"Computer Law†, page 8). Who might be delegated a ‘computer criminal’? It is said that regularly the ‘computer criminal’ is a believed representative and the issue for associations is by all accounts inside security. The people group thinks about PC wrongdoing, as being less genuine than different violations against property, for example, robbery or vehicle burglary, as it isn't vicious or open. In numerous occurrences PC wrongdoing isn't constantly revealed, because of the unpredictability of data frameworks. It is at times feasible for offenses to be hidden and frequently casualties are uninformed that an offense has even been submitted. An explanation behind PC wrongdoing not being accounted for is the point at which the wrongdoing is found organizations swindled of huge entireties of cash are now and again embarrassed to report a penetrate of security. Another explanation is that the wrongdoer is here and there and worker of the organization and if the damage isn't huge the organization may teach or excuse the guilty party.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Crucible Reasons Innocent People Confessed to Witchcraft essays

The Crucible Reasons Innocent People Confessed to Witchcraft expositions Living in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 during the Witchcraft Trials must had been an uncanny occasion to understanding. The whole black magic madness began in light of the fact that individuals were pointing fingers at one another. Blameless ladies and kids were being denounced for ludicrous reasons, for example, baffling book perusing and having poppets, or cloth dolls, lying around the house. The manner in which the legal framework worked in the 1600's was completely blundered. It let blameworthy individuals live and blameless individuals bite the dust. On the off chance that one was blamed they were given one for two decisions, they could either admit and live or not admit and be hanged. In this manner blameless individuals that were being blamed would admit to spare their life, despite the fact that they were not witches. Ladies that were blamed for black magic could settle on a third decision that men proved unable. One would settle on this decision when they would not like to darken their name by conceding and still needed to live. This decision was to argued that one was pregnant. At the point when one settled on this decision their preliminary would be procrastinated on for a while on the grounds that the higher authorities would not have any desire to slaughter the blameless baby. For instance both Sarah Good and Elizabeth Proctor didn't admit yet said they were pregnant so they were both tossed behind bars until they conceived an offspring or the authorities could unquestionably decide whether in reality they were pregnant. All through the story individuals for the most part viewed themselves as the primary goal and they could think less about the others around, this implied they all paid special mind to simply themselves. For this explanation huge numbers of the individuals in Salem, regardless of whether a witch or not, would admit so they could live. They would not mind that honest individuals were kicking the bucket since they would not admit to black magic like different defeatists that admitted just to live. This was Titubas admission, who was one of the primary people to be charged. No, no, dont hang Tituba! I tell h... <!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Samples About Ones Best Qualities

Essay Samples About One's Best QualitiesYou can find an essay samples about one's best qualities online for free, but a question remains as to whether it will be successful for you. You have a certain number of seconds in which to create a gripping and informative essay. You don't want to waste this time trying to create a boring or cliched essay because all you want is to get a great college admission score.It is quite easy to find excellent essay samples about one's best qualities for free online. The problem is how to approach the topic you want to write about. You could start by writing a list of questions and answers, though this might take you hours to come up with a persuasive essay.You can instead look at writing tips and guides to help you create your own guide. Writing tips can be found online, especially through article directories. There are also thousands of essay samples about one's best qualities for free.You need to focus on what you believe, what you want to accompli sh, and what you would like to achieve. By using different angles and approaches you can make your own essay. What is more, you can use your own ideas and creativity to give it an originality that other essay writers don't have.You also can use quality essay samples about one's best qualities to hone your skills. You should always remember that good essays are always built on excellent content. Make sure that the content is driven by the best qualities that you have, for it to be a success.If you are still not convinced that essay samples about one's best qualities are effective, then try searching for a website that deals with quality essays. You will be amazed at the variety of topics they cover, ranging from sports to arts and crafts.You can also find excellent essay samples about one's best qualities for free online. All you need to do is create an excellent essay. You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on hundreds of essays.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

12 consejos para entrevista para sacar visa americana

Salvo casos muy excepcionales, es necesario presentarse a una entrevista para sacar la visa americana en una embajada o un consulado de los Estados Unidos. Esto aplica tanto a las visas de inmigrante dentro del proceso para obtener la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, como a las no inmigrante como, por ejemplo, las de turista, inversià ³n, estudiante, trabajo temporal, etc. A continuacià ³n, la informacià ³n bà ¡sica sobre en quà © consiste la entrevista, quà © llevar, quà © vestir, presencia de nià ±os y ancianos, cà ³mo cambiarla, etc. Cambiar la fecha de la cita para la entrevista Es posible hacerlo ingresando al sistema en la que se cerrà ³ la cita en lo que se conoce como Applicant Summary Page para lo cual es necesario tener a mano el nà ºmero de pasaporte. Se pueden cambiar las fechas de la entrevista todas las veces que se quiera, siempre que se està © dentro de plazo. Sin embargo, eso no quiere decir que se pueda elegir el dà ­a y la hora que se desea, ya que solamente se puede elegir entre los dà ­as y horas que no tienen ya asignada una entrevista. Cuà ¡nto dura la entrevista para la visa La entrevista generalmente dura muy poco. En el caso de la visa de turista en la mayorà ­a de los casos apenas un par de minutos de promedio. Sin embargo, segà ºn el tipo de visa puede que la entrevista se alargue entre 15 y 20 minutos, como es el caso de las de inversià ³n. Presencia de nià ±os, bebà ©s y ancianos para la entrevista Salvo excepciones muy limitadas, todas las personas entre los 14 y los 79 aà ±os de edad deben acudir en persona a la entrevista cuando se solicita una visa no inmigrante por primera vez. Ademà ¡s, esa regla general de presencia fà ­sica para todos los que tienen entre 14 y 79 aà ±os tiene excepciones importantes. Por ejemplo, a pesar de haber cumplido ya los 80 aà ±os  se tiene que ir a la entrevista si se trata de una persona que previamente ha sido arrestada en Estados Unidos o deportada. En el caso de los nià ±os, hay que consultar con la oficina consular o la embajada en la que se tramita la visa ya que las reglas de edad varà ­an notablemente. En muchos casos se exige acudir a la entrevista si el nià ±o o la nià ±a han cumplido ya los 6 aà ±os. Pero esta edad puede variar. Si el nià ±o debe ir a la entrevista, deberà ¡ ir acompaà ±ado de sus dos padres, a menos que sà ³lo uno tenga la custodia legal del menor, como por ejemplo en caso de viudedad o sentencia judicial. Si uno de los dos padres no puede por razà ³n seria deberà ¡ entregar al progenitor que sà ­ acompaà ±a al menor una carta en la que especifica que da su consentimiento para que el menor obtenga la visa. Presencia de acompaà ±antes para la entrevista de la visa La regla general es que los  solicitantes de la visa deben acudir solos a las oficinas consulares o a la embajada. Es decir, no deben ir acompaà ±ados por familiares, amigos o abogados. Esta regla admite excepciones, como es el caso de los menores de edad que deben ir acompaà ±ados por los padres o por su guardià ¡n legal. Tambià ©n en el caso de incapacitados, à ©stos pueden ir acompaà ±ados de un ayudante. Incluso se admite la presencia de un traductor cuando sea necesario, por ejemplo, en el caso de los sordomudos pueden ir con alguien que traduce el lenguaje de signos.  En todos estos supuestos debe notificarse con antelacià ³n el nombre del acompaà ±ante. Cumplir con los horarios Llegar a tiempo, pero no mà ¡s de 15-30 minutos antes de la hora de la cita. Debe esperarse en fila en el exterior, incluso los dà ­as de lluvia o frà ­o. Aunque la entrevista per se es corta, todo el proceso desde que se ingresa a que se sale puede demorarse unas dos horas, dependiendo de la oficina consular. Respetar las reglas de seguridad del consulado Hay que esperar un control muy similar al de los aeropuertos.  Por cuestiones de seguridad, todos los visitantes dentro de un edificio diplomà ¡tico estadounidense deben pasar por un detector de metales. Està ¡ prohibido ingresar telà ©fonos celulares y otros aparatos electrà ³nicos como iPads,iPods, cà ¡maras de video e incluso controles remotos para abrir carros o garajes. Asimismo, està ¡ prohibido intentar ingresar armas de cualquier tipo o artilugios que puedan ser utilizados como tales, como por ejemplo cuchillos u otros objetos punzantes. Tambià ©n està ¡n prohibidas las mochilas, las maletas, las cajas de cualquier tipo y los maletines. Llevar ordenada documentacià ³n necesaria y de apoyo Debe acudirse a la entrevista con un pasaporte vigente, el papel de confirmacià ³n de la cita y el justificante de haber pagado el arancel de la visa. En el caso de los nià ±os se debe verificar el requisito de certificado de nacimiento, ya que es comà ºn pedirlo y que la copia tenga menos de 3 meses. Si solo uno de los padres tiene la custodio legal, deberà ¡ llevar un documento que asà ­ lo acredite. Lo primero que se entrega es el pasaporte, que deberà ¡ estar vigente y en buen estado.  En la mayorà ­a de los casos se pide que tenga al menos una validez por los prà ³ximos seis meses, pero este requisito puede variar segà ºn el consulado, por lo que debe verificarse. Y si previamente se ha tenido un pasaporte con visa americana, tambià ©n llevarlo.  Al entregar el pasaporte darà ¡n un nà ºmero de cita. Ademà ¡s, deberà ¡n llevarse todos los documentos que sirvan para acreditar que se cumplen todos los requisitos para que se conceda la visa solicitada. Ademà ¡s,  si se ha tenido un pasaporte con visa americana que se ha extraviado o ha sido robado, llevar notificacià ³n oficial de que se ha denunciado. Por à ºltimo, si se ha sido arrestado en los Estados Unidos o se ha sido deportado, llevar los documentos que se tengan respecto a esa situacià ³n. Es conveniente colocar todos esos documentos en un fà ³lder de plà ¡stico transparente y llevar todo el papeleo ordenado.  Jamà ¡s llevar y entregar al personal consular sobres sellados. Esperar sentado en la sala de espera hasta que llamen por nombre y por nà ºmero para la entrevista. Contestar a las preguntas del oficial consular Hay que esperar preguntas relacionadas con la visa que se solicita. Asà ­, si se ha pedido una de turista, se preguntarà ¡ quà © se planea visitar, cà ³mo se va a pagar, si se va a visitar a algà ºn familiar, etc. Lo que le importa al oficial consular es hacerse una idea de si existe un riesgo de que, si la visa fuera aprobada, la persona solicitante se pueda quedar en Estados Unidos mà ¡s tiempo del autorizado.   Para evitar que la visa se niegue por esa razà ³n es una buena idea presentar documentacià ³n de apoyo que sirva para demostrar lazos familiares y/o econà ³micos fuertes en el paà ­s de residencia. Si se solicita una de negocios se preguntarà ¡ quà © tipo de gestià ³n se va a hacer en Estados Unidos, cuà ¡nto tiempo se lleva trabajando en la empresa y en quà © cargo y con quà © especialidad. Ademà ¡s, si se solicita una de intercambio o de estudiante, verificarà ¡n el nivel de inglà ©s y si se solicita la de inversià ³n hay que esperar preguntas en profundidad sobre el plan de negocio. La documentacià ³n adicional que se lleva para probar el caso de cada uno sà ³lo se entrega al oficial consular si à ©ste lo pide. No està ¡ obligado a aceptarla y sà ³lo la solicitarà ¡ si cree que es necesario para tomar su decisià ³n. En todo caso es conveniente llevarla. Conocer las consecuencias de mentir, antes de hacerlo Durante la entrevista es importante contestar la verdad ya que la utilizacià ³n de documentacià ³n falsa o mentir para obtener una visa es considerado un fraude y puede provocar como consecuencia que se considere al mentiroso como inelegible para una visa por el resto de su vida.   Esto es una cosa que pasa con mucha frecuencia. E incluso, en algunos casos, los consulados avisan a las autoridades locales para que se persiga penalmente la falsificacià ³n de documentos. Nunca comportarse como un maleducado Finalmente, nunca gritar, insultar, hacer malos comentarios, etc. Incluso en los casos en los que se considere que el oficial consular està ¡ siendo muy estricto o, incluso, deniega la visa. Las razones son muchas pero la principal es que todos los comentarios que se realicen y todo tipo de comportamiento puede ser registrado en el expediente del solicitante de la visa, dificultando en el futuro que pueda sacarla.  ¿Quà © vestir para la entrevista? Quien diga que no importa cà ³mo se va vestido, miente. Es importante ir bien presentado. No es necesario excederse y vestirse como si se fuera a una boda, pero sà ­ que es importante dar la imagen de que efectivamente se tienen medios econà ³micos legales para pagar la estancia en Estados Unidos.  ¿Quà © pasa al finalizar la entrevista para la visa? Al finalizar la entrevista el oficial consular comunicarà ¡ al solicitante si la visa es concedida, denegada o, ni lo uno ni lo otro, porque entra en lo que se llama un proceso administrativo. Las causas de no aprobacià ³n pueden ser calificadas en dos categorà ­as: de ineligibilidad para la visa que se solicita y de inadmisibilidad  para ingresar en Estados Unidos. En el caso de las visas de turista la razà ³n mà ¡s comà ºn de la denegacià ³n es el no haber probado và ­nculos econà ³micos o/y familiares suficientes. Antes de volver a aplicar con ciertas posibilidades de à ©xito conviene saber cuà ¡nto esperar y quà © hacer para subsanar el problema. En el caso de que la causa de negacià ³n fuera una inadmisibilidad, estar atento a si el oficial consular sugiere la posibilidad de solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como permiso o perdà ³n. Por el contrario, si la visa es concedida el pasaporte debe quedar en la embajada o consulado y se enviarà ¡ a los pocos dà ­as a su titular con la visa estampada en à ©l. Destacar que la visa no da derecho a ingresar a Estados Unidos, es sà ³lo un requisito. La decisià ³n final corresponde al oficial migratorio en aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre. Finalmente, puede suceder que se comunique que no hay una decisià ³n final tomada sobre si se otorga o no la visa, pendiente de un proceso administrativo. Esto sucede cuando se necesita realizar investigaciones adicionales y puede demorarse, por lo general, unos 90 dà ­as, aunque puede extenderse por mucho mà ¡s, llegando incluso al aà ±o. Carga pà ºblica como causa de no aprobacià ³n de la visa El gobierno del presidente Donald Trump ha establecido nuevas reglas segà ºn las cuales puede negarse cualquier tipo de visas, su extensià ³n o cambio e incluso la residencia permanente a cualquier persona extranjera que pueda ser considerada como carga pà ºblica. Para dicha determinacià ³n deben tomarse en cuenta factores como edad, salud, medios econà ³micos, estudios, historial laboral, etc. Esa medida sobre carga pà ºblica està ¡ en suspenso para su aplicacià ³n por parte de USCIS o del Departamento de Seguridad Interna, a la espera de mà ¡s decisiones judiciales. Sin embargo, las nuevas reglas sobre carga pà ºblica sà ­ pueden ser aplicadas, al menos por el momento, por el Departamento de Estado. Por lo tanto, la carga pà ºblica puede ser tenida en consideracià ³n por las embajadas y consulados a partir del 15 de octubre de 2019. Puntos clave: entrevista para visa en consulado o embajada La entrevista en el consulado americano es parte esencial en el proceso de sacar la visa. ¿Deben presentarse los nià ±os?: La regla general es que deben ir a la entrevista todas las personas entre 14 y 79 aà ±os, aunque algunos consulados tienen reglas exigiendo la presencia de menores tan jà ³venes como 6 aà ±os. Verificar con el consulado. ¿Cuà ¡nto dura la entrevista?: Por regla general, menos de dos minutos. ¿Es posible cambiar la fecha de la cita?: Sà ­, pero solamente se puede elegir entre dà ­as y horas disponibles en el calendario del consulado. ¿Quà © documentacià ³n llevar?: la obligatoria, segà ºn el tipo de visa, y la de apoyo, que puede servir para que el oficial consular apruebe la visa. Sin embargo, à ©ste no està ¡ obligado a verificarla. Cabe destacar que mentir a un oficial consular es un fraude de ley. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Substance Abuse And Mental Health Disorders Essay

In 2014, approximately 4,152 women under supervision in community corrections under the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice: 50.40% have a clinically diagnosable mental illness, greater than 60% were treated for substance abuse (Community Corrections Profile, 2014). Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders is further complicated by a high prevalence of trauma histories in women in corrections (Lynch et al., 2012). The presence of intersecting co-occurring disorders and trauma may negative impact treatment outcomes and retention rates for women in community corrections (Tull, Gratz, Coffey, Weiss, McDermott, 2013; Gilbert, Morrissey, Domino, 2011). Through literature, we can create a better understanding of how the impact of co-occurring disorders and trauma on women in community corrections as well as what interventions are being examined to help address these intersections. Substance abuse treatment is a traditional method of treating women who have substance abuse and mental health disorders which seeks to prevent relapse through behavioral counseling, medication usage when necessary, evaluation for a co-occurring disorder, and long-term follow-up with clients (Drug Facts, 2016). Substance abuse treatment for these populations can be complicated by the presence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a disorder characterized by persistent re-experiencing of trauma, avoidance and numbing of general responsiveness, negative alterations in mood, andShow MoreRelatedMental Health And Substance Abuse Disorders2656 Words   |  11 Pagesresearchers have paid attention to behavioral health problems due to significant burden of morbidity and disability, as well as health care cost. The term behavioral health refers to a state of mental or emotional being and choices and actions that affect wellness. It encompasses both mental health and substance use, including such as depression, substance abuse or misuse, serious psychological distress, and suici de (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2011). In 2012, an estimatedRead MoreThe Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders Essay893 Words   |  4 PagesPREVALENCE OF CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders Launita D. Joseph Grand Canyon University August 15, 2012 The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders When a counselor has a new client they are working with, the client has to be assessed. When being assessed the counselor has to determine what issues the client may have. Through being assessed, the counselor may come to realize the client has more than one issue which is called co-occurring disorders. 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The 2010 Affordable Health Care Act, the 1996 Mental Health Parity Act and various other legislations have improved the accessibility, affordability and quality of gro up health plans and insurance plans. Although a few loop holes and old laws continue o hamper efforts to bring about health care parity, the legislations are a big step in the right direction. The efforts aimed to integrate behavioral health services into mainstream medical serviceRead MoreIs Substance Abuse A Mental Disorder? Essay757 Words   |  4 PagesIs Substance Abuse A Mental Disorder? Substance abuse disorder, or what is referred to now as substance use disorder, is a condition where reliance to various substances, may it be licit or illicit, continues to permeate the lives of the sufferer, even to the point that this reliance is detrimental to the person’s life. This definition is merely an oversimplification of the said disorder. In reality, the criteria for substance use disorder has been â€Å"defined and redefined over the past several decadesRead MoreEssay On Mental Health Treatment Program1560 Words   |  7 PagesProgram Structure This Mental Health treatment program and/ or organization focus on co-occurring diagnosis and structures to develop co-occurring disorder treatment services. This program is a non-profit, privately owned organization. It provides social services in Miami, FL. This mental health treatment program and organization will provide comprehensive behavioral healthcare to homeless women who have severe, persistent mental illness, or with co-occurring substance abuse and mental illness’. The organizationsRead MoreEssay Drug Abuse and Mental Health 1194 Words   |  5 PagesSubstance abuse complicates almost every aspect of care for the person with a mental disorder. When drugs enter the brain, they can interrupt the work and actually change how the brain performs its jobs; these changes are what lead to compulsive drug use. Drug abuse plays a major role when concerning mental health. It is very difficult for these individuals to engage in treatment. Diagnosis for a treatment is diffic ult because it takes time to disengage the interacting effects of substance abuseRead MoreMental Illness Of The Mentally Ill On Deinstitutionalization1514 Words   |  7 PagesMental illness in America has become an increasingly popular topic of discussion. Rather than being placed in hospitals for treatment, mentally ill individuals are being placed into correctional facilities for their actions. Persons with serious mental illness (SMI) such as bi-polar disorder, severe depression, schizophrenia and etc. have trouble within society. Many lack income and stable living arrangements to be able to succeed in the community. Side effects of their illness can enable them to

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pricing and Costing Methods in Transport Organization †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Pricing and Costing Methods in Transport Organization. Answer: Introduction The objective of the paper is to evaluate and compare different types of pricing techniques in DHL Mauritius Ltd that is deemed to be a solitary logistics group in Mauritius. Several types of comparisons is observed further in order to provide recommendations in increased demand for the services and the ways in which these can be incorporated in case of controlled demand (Harvey, Heineke and Lewis 2016). Discussion Demand for transportation can be recognized as the ability of the infrastructure along with methods of geographically explained transport system. It is also determined with half or totally expressed values in consideration to number of people. Transport supply is understood as geographically explained way of transportation services that is relied in a specific time period (Slack, Chambers and Johnston 2013). Moreover, supply is determined through infrastructure ability along with frequency of services. Capacity is further evaluated based on static along with dynamic means that is capable to indicate available space amount present for transport (Hitt, Xu and Carnes 2016). A major objective for addressing the growing transport, demand is observed to be associated with offering transport supply. Along with this, an interdependency aspect can be deemed as major supply and demand concept. Several kinds of pricing arrangements based on transport in an operation must be considered relied on service values and costs (Kolisch, Brunner and Larsen 2016). Service costs pricing is deemed to be relied on established transport cost that is different from service cost according to volume and distance approach. Value of service pricing is observed to be relied on established transport cost that is different from service cost based on volume and distance approach (Hitt, Xu and Carnes 2016). Value of service pricing is deemed to be relied on the transportation demand along with the competitive situation. Based on the shipping cost and various kinds of transportation pricing that is again concerned with factory gate pricing, free on board pricing, delivered zone pricing, allowances, quantity discounts along with negotiation and pricing. In consideration to the case of DHL Mauritius Ltd, this has been gathered that the shippers are observed to put more attention fewer carriers and several types of negotiated prices (Slack, Chambers and Johnston 2013). In such scenario, an important type of negotiation process is deemed to be present with the advancement of certain mutually advantageous agreements and this has also been evident in case of performance motivation differences (Kolisch, Brunner and Larsen 2016). The major form of negotiation process is deemed to be capable to state on several tryout factors that has been associated with shippers and carriers trying to attain a common goal in order to decrease carry base costs. Conclusion From completion of the paper, it is gathered that transportation demand is associated with productive and consumptive transport needs. Moreover, the pricing arrangements are also associated with the cost-of-service pricing along with value-of-service pricing technique. References Harvey, J., Heineke, J. and Lewis, M. (2016) Editorial for Journal of Operations Management special issue on professional Service Operations Management (PSOM), Journal of Operations Management, pp. 48. doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2016.03.005. Hitt, M. A., Xu, K. and Carnes, C. M. (2016) Resource based theory in operations management research, Journal of Operations Management, 41, pp. 7794. doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2015.11.002. Kolisch, R., Brunner, J. O. and Larsen, J. (2016) Airport operations management, Computers and Operations Research, p. 163. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2015.09.001. Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, R. (2013) Operations Management, Operations Management. doi: 9780132342711. Pricing and Costing Methods in Transport Organization – Free Samples Question: Discuss about the Pricing and Costing Methods in Transport Organization. Answer: Introduction The current report is focused on analyzing and differentiating distinct types of pricing methods in Avira Logistics that is a renowned logistics company in Mauritius. There are different comparisons which are observed for offering recommendations in case of high demand for its services along with the ways in which these can be included in a situation of normal demand (Macmillan et al 2014). Transportation demand might be understood as an infrastructure capability with techniques of geographically explained transport method. This is also evaluated with partially or fully explained values in account to number of individuals. Transport supply is considered as geographically elaborated transportation services method which is focused on a particular timeframe (van Wee, Annema and Banister 2013). In addition, supply is estimated by means of infrastructure capability in addition to services frequency. Capacity is analyzed further relied on static and dynamic process which is able to recognize the existing spaces available for proper transportation. A vital intention in dealing with increasing transportation demand, this is linked with providing appropriate transport supply. In addition, an interdependency factor is observed to be vital demand and supply structure (Vanovermeire et al. 2014). Moreover, an interdependency factor considers distinct types of transportation based pricing arrangements within a business that can be based on the service values along with related prices. Service costs pricing can be based on a specific transport cost which is distinct from service cost relied on distance and volume initiative (White 2016). Value of service pricing is based on transportation demand in a highly competitive condition. Relied on shipping costs and types of transportation pricing is deemed to be related with on board free pricing, factory gate pricing, allowances, pricing on delivered zone, quality discounts and pricing with negotiation. Considering the case of Avira Logistics, it was observed that the shippers can be observed to focus greatly on lesser carriers along with distinct kinds of negotiated costs (van Wee, Annema and Banister 2013). In this condition, most vital kind of negotiation technique is considered being present with development of some mutually supportive agreements that is also been evidenced in areas of performance motivation differences. One of the foremost negotiation technique is considered being able to point out numerous tryout aspects (Vanovermeire et al. 2014). This is related with carriers and shippers those attempt to achieve common aim for reducing carry base expenses. Conclusion After accomplishment of the report, it is observed that transportation demand is related with consumptive as well as productive transport requirements. In addition, the pricing arrangements are also observed to be related with service value pricing along with cost of service pricing. It is also evidenced that Service costs pricing can be based on a specific transport cost which is distinct from service cost relied on distance and volume initiative. Value of service pricing is based on transportation demand in a highly competitive condition. References Macmillan, A., Connor, J., Witten, K., Kearns, R., Rees, D. and Woodward, A., 2014. The societal costs and benefits of commuter bicycling: simulating the effects of specific policies using system dynamics modeling.Environmental health perspectives,122(4), p.335. van Wee, B., Annema, J.A. and Banister, D. eds., 2013.The transport system and transport policy: an introduction. Edward Elgar Publishing. Vanovermeire, C., Srensen, K., Van Breedam, A., Vannieuwenhuyse, B. and Verstrepen, S., 2014. Horizontal logistics collaboration: decreasing costs through flexibility and an adequate cost allocation strategy.International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications,17(4), pp.339-355. White, P., 2016.Public transport: its planning, management and operation. Taylor Francis.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Atheism vs Theism free essay sample

The problem Atheists have with Theists and the premise of God, a Being who is all good, omniscient, omnipotent and eternal, is that they believe that since science and the world cannot prove that such a being exists and since life seems to sustain itself without any external help, then this Being probably does not exists nor can this Being ever be proven to exist. This method of thinking stems directly from a belief, not that science is god, but more that mankind is a self-sufficient, self-reliant being along with the philosophy of materialism and evolution which denies the possibility of soul or the immaterial. This resulted in the hijacking of science to prove what materialists already believed, that everything is relative and truth exists only if it can be proven by science. This is, as a materialist already knows, an issue that can only relate to the corporeal. The conflict that occurs is many theists belief that there is a truth and it can be known by reason which includes science but also can be discovered using every aspect of the human person. We will write a custom essay sample on Atheism vs Theism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This includes the spiritual, corporeal, and even the emotive aspect of the man. The another debate in this issue pits the clinging to classical thought by the theists against claim that classical thought is unsubstantiated, old fashioned and that only modern thought is relevant because it is the most progressive. So there seems to be an intrinsic impossibility for a materialist atheist to believe in God because it is diametrically opposed to the dogmatic belief in science, materialism, and man as a creature of nature not of the immaterial. The Atheists’ beliefs The atheists’ core beliefs have already been brought to attention but in order for a complete argument to take place, a simple overview is not sufficient, so a more in depth analysis is needed to better understand this ideological battle. To be fair to atheists, there is a diversity of ideas and beliefs why God cannot exist. Some of these reasons behind this belief can be simple and unfounded arguments or elaborate systems which argue God out of the picture. While it would be easy to discredit and disprove the simple arguments, such as â€Å"I don’t see God’s involvement in the world and it seems like the world functions on its own, therefore, God doesn’t exist,† there are plenty of arguments that have shown this type of thinking as shallow and wrong. The more significant arguments are the views of atheism include a mechanistic view of the world along with a materialist understanding of the operations of the world. This is the view, according to Edward Feser, that most serious atheists hold and is responsible for the understanding that God does not exist in the world, that the world is self sufficient and that man is simple a creature of evolution. Of course what follows from this belief is the understanding that man is not bound to anything spiritual or moral since there is no such thing as morals since that entails something immaterial. They believe instead that morality is either a construct of the mind, which is influenced by Kant, or that morality is the conditioning of the culture to make man feel guilty, which is influenced by Nietzsche. Feser points to the origin of this mode of thinking, explaining that it stems from the removal of the formal and final cause of things of Aristotle’s natural science in which all things have a material, efficient, formal and final cause. When the formal and final cause is removed then people don’t have a final end other than survival nor does anything have a nature or is there a correct form. What this does is it removes the importance of religion. When there is no afterlife or purpose of a person to be moral then there is no need for God or religion. Feser also claims that once formal and final causes were removed, and then it paved the way to materialism, which, if there is a formal or final cause of things, is the only reasonable understanding of the world. Materialism is the belief that everything can be reduced to their material function and there is nothing outside of empirical evidence. There means there is no soul or spiritual aspect of a human person. People are given the impression that science can explain everything, but Feser explains that â€Å"For the reason science has â€Å"explained† almost everything other than the mind is precisely because everything that doesn’t fit the mechanistic model has been swept under the rug of the mind, treated as a mere projection. † The very essence of today’s atheism is that the world can be explained and if there is something that cannot be explained then they say that science will explain it after we have a better understanding of the object in question. This belief that science can and will explain everything is held so strongly that atheists become as Feser describes them, â€Å"the very thing they argue against† namely, dogmatic and irrational. This is a result of the belief that there is no truth. Science, although it has improved the quality of life and has led to many discoveries, is to blame for a particular mentality that is felt all over the world, that of progress. Along with thinkers like Hegel, who believe that all of history is progress and that everything has been leading up to our point in time today, the mentality within science is that progress is always good. This is another assumption held by atheists in that they believe that science is progress and if there is progress then the time this progress was a lesser time and held views that were lesser and imperfect. So from this understanding, Christianity and religion in general is old fashioned and wrong, while science is right and the only truth that is, if there can even be truth. It is science that focuses on the efficient and material causes of things. In other words, it is science that ignores formal or final causes. Because of this belief it makes the place of religion irrelevant. Materialist atheists use science, the study of material objects with their molecular makeup and the like and use what we have discovered by means of science to explain questions of metaphysical nature. Feser explains that â€Å"empirical science of its very nature cannot give us the full story about these matters; but metaphysics just is the rational investigation if them. † Also on the same topic of the separation between religion and science, Stephen Jay Gould explains that â€Å"the net of science covers the empirical realm: what he universe is made of and why does it work this way. The net of religion extends over question of moral meaning and value. † (Gould p. 522) A conflict has occurred however because as was mentioned previously, when the final and formal cause is removed, then the nature’s of things don’t exist but so does purpose and without purpose then going beyond the what is impossible. Atheists hold central to their beliefs that there is nothing beyond this world and that all operations of the world are contained within it. Richard Dawkins believes rather that our â€Å"morality† has been changing and that the Old Testament God is â€Å"will not be adopted as a literal role model by anybody you or I would wish to know. † He means that social norms have been changing and that our morality can be explained through science of culture and society, not dependent on God or scripture. Dawkins continues saying that other aspects of the Christian religion are in conflict with science. He claims that the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven is false and assumes that heaven is a â€Å"physical reality – how else could the physical body of a woman go there? Dawkins brings this up to make the point that everything is under the realm of science; he even goes as far as to say that the â€Å"sudden injection if an immortal soul in the time-line is an anti-evolutionary intrusion into the domain of science. Dawkins’ point is that there is not a separation of religion and science; metaphysical claims are even under the claims of science. In the case of the mind, Dawkins and others believe it can be explained. And even though there is religion, it is a simple social construct to control the ignorant. Their truth is that science can explain everything even prove that a metaphysical world cannot exist. The Theist’s Side The theists fall back on something a little different, tradition. Now contrary to atheist’s beliefs, theism does use reason to justify keep God in the discussion but also to keep other metaphysical claims. Christianity has an understanding that the world is a transitory with God as its creator. From an understanding that God is creator, it is reasonable to expect everything in nature to abide by a law, to be ordered and have the ability to be understood. Also from the tradition of the philosophers of history, this belief has been thought over and many rational arguments have been made in favor of theism. These arguments even came from antiquity. Plato and Aristotle gave many arguments defending the immaterial. Both philosophers believed that the soul was immaterial and that all life had a soul or rather, the soul was the life giving principle. Now along with the idea of the soul, Aristotle provides an in depth account of the four causes mentioned earlier, namely material, efficient, formal, and final. This encompasses all aspects of substances. This provided a very thorough description of life. From the four causes, it gave reason to the nature of things and that there is a definite correct way of acting for any particular thing. So with the four causes, especially the formal and final cause, man now has a purpose and a proper way of acting. In other words, man then must have a morality it must adhere to. This morality has been lived out by people before philosophy influenced people; it is pre-science and therefore more â€Å"natural† to man. The fact that it is backed up by metaphysical observations only strengthens the argument for theists. Natural science, the understanding of the natural world is something lost upon atheists. It is essential to the proper understanding of this life to understand that there are, in fact, natures. As Feser puts it, â€Å"admit formal and final causes into the world and at once you are stuck –with God, the soul, and natural law. † This natural law is also vital to an understanding of life on earth as well as an understanding of the human person. While atheists struggle with an understanding of how the mind works (not the brain), have a very weak argument for morality, and have no argument for why anyone should have rights or respect shown to anyone, the theists however, have strong, well founded arguments for these very things which come natural to everyone. A theist understands natural law as participating in eternal law, this gives natural law authority. It is something which all men must abide by. Natural law is the respect and dignity which all men are due. It is what assures man that he shouldn’t kill one another. Robert Adams even uses this principle of the morality from natural law as a proof of God’s existence; he claims that â€Å"the moral rightness and wrongness consist in agreement and disagreement, respectively, with the will or commands of a loving God. † There are many laws within natural law that when broken are recognized as going against natural order, granting men the authority under God to rebel against whomever or whatever threatens to take away the privileges given by natural law. It is how we understand concepts of justice. This follows from the fact that God is just and any disobedience of this law is seen as unjust. God is the foundation of morality; natural law is the foundation of morality. Along with natural law, the theists also are able to give a better account of the mind. It is held that the mind is immaterial; it is directly tied to the soul. When the body dies, the soul continues on and we retain our â€Å"mind† because we retain rationality in the afterlife. In the same way Aristotle believed that the soul is the life giving aspect to all creatures and plants, so the human soul is also responsible for the mind and the intellect. Otherwise if the materialist view was to be accepted, we would have a similar thought process to any other intelligent creature without rationality. The mind is also responsible for the specific function of contemplation. No animal, even with a larger, more advanced brain would ever be able to understand concepts such as justice, peace, and generosity, it must be related to the form that humans have and the soul which humans have been given. This goes so beyond any physical aspect of our bodies that to confine the mind to ability within the brain seems foolish. Even the ability to learn concepts is a mystery. J. J. Haldane provides an analysis of the topic and explains that some concepts, especially early on, must be taught. Someone must have taught concepts to people. The example he gives is the example of a cat. One might see a cat and understand the concept of cat, but what if one had never seen a cat? It would be necessary to explain the concept of cat to that person, after which the person would be able to recognize a cat if he saw one. The same applies to all concepts. Now the tricky part is, if evolution is taken back to the origin of man or even if God created man, then how did man learn all of these concepts? Haldane’s solution to the question is that God must have been responsible, regardless of whether evolution is responsible for man or not. The reasoning behind this is that God must have taught the 1st man all these concepts which he could then pass down to his children. While this explanation requires an open mindedness of the listener, it is very plausible and would account for many of the questions that atheists still deal with today. So Who’s Right? So while some might claim that there isn’t even a right answer and that choosing to be an atheist or theist is just personal preference. However, according to the theists, there is truth and there is a right answer. As for atheists, while some of their positions were explained, they still have gaps within their arguments. When confronted with these gaps, it seems that atheists are unable to provide an answer other than resorting to science which asks how and why, but not â€Å"that† something is. As mentioned earlier, there is the question of morality and why people act as they do. Even Atheists believe in some sort of morality even they do not wish to call it by its name. Feser cleverly points out that â€Å"An atheist or naturalist can believe in morality – that is a psychological fact – but he cannot have a rational justification for his belief – that is a philosophical fact. † It is impossible to limit the natural drive for morality in people. Again, â€Å"where morality was concerned, Kant’s aim was to show that there is just something in the nature of reason itself that requires that we be moral. † This seems oolish to believe that something material explains something as complicated as human emotions and the free will to do good or bad and the consequences it has on the person itself. Feser points out that the understanding of modern atheists of morality is a conditioning itself, all of modern philosophy tries to prove that everything can be contained by science, even the topic of morality. He is convinced that this is due to a rejection of formal and final causes. He explains that â€Å"the bottom line is that by abandoning formal and final causes, modern philosophy necessarily denied itself any objective basis for morality. This points to how modern philosophy has gotten to this point and it is simply that modern philosophers have ignored the question of whether there are formal and final causes and have considered the topic as irrelevant. What this means however that â€Å"First, the modern â€Å"mechanistic understanding of the natural world has led to problems, paradoxes, and absurdities that are far more egregious than anything the scholastics were ever accused of. Second, Aristotelian formal and final causes are simply unavoidable if we are to make sense of modern science and reason themselves. Now as has been shown, theists hold on the Aristotelian views of formal and final causes not only does it make sense, but it provides a foundation for a host of other arguments. These arguments cannot be explained away by science, Feser points out why, which is because â€Å"empirical science of its very nature cannot give us the full story about these matters; but metaphysics just is the rational investigation of them. † to make a further point, as has been suggested, it seems that an atheist’s account of the mind is also insufficient as it is a series of poor and confusing arguments which try to prove the existence of mind within a person. Feser claims that the reason for the misunderstanding of the mind by atheists is that it is â€Å"the denial of final causes that most clearly poses an absolutely insurmountable obstacle to any attempt to explain the mind in purely material terms. † What this means is that with this understanding of purpose for the human person beyond survival, then there is new meaning to a person’s life and that each person should and ought to work to fulfill this purpose. If not, then it is impossible to explain the mind sufficiently. The reason for intellect, the purpose of the mind, is contemplation but also to use reason to become virtuous. Once morality is believed to exist, then it follows that morality should be followed but the only way to do that is to form habits of virtue, which is only possible through the mind. It also hints at the soul, which is also taken to exist in that it is the principle of life but more specifically, nothing corporeal could be the principle of life or â€Å"every body would be a living thing. † More specifically, Aquinas explains that since the intellect has an operation apart from the body â€Å"per se† then we must conclude, therefore, that the  human soul, which is called the  intellect  or the  mind, is something incorporeal and subsistent. So according to Feser, the only way to solve this problem that the atheist’s have of the mind, is to â€Å"return to the Aristotelian –Thomistic conception of the soul as the form of the body, having certain immaterial operations but nevertheless â€Å"interacting with the material world as formal rather than efficient cause. † Feser also hints at there being a need to be intellectually honest about some of these arguments. Since many Atheists have ignored the arguments or Aristotle and Aquinas, Feser has been calling for them to actually refute them and that instead of wanting something to be true and trying to argue for it, to instead accept truth as an objective reality and something to be sought after. The point that Feser wants to make is not to â€Å"determine whether this project was good or bad, but rather to emphasize that to a very great extent it was a desire to further the project, and not an actual refutation of Aristotle, that moved modern thinkers away from his metaphysics. The agenda determined the arguments rather than the other way around. This is ultimately the solution to the question to atheism because it seems as though Atheism is artificial, Denys Turner implies that atheism has to be ‘worked at or practiced in his article â€Å"How to be an Atheist. † It is the mentality of trying to convince others that your reality is truth instead of being receptive to truth as the classical and medieval philosophers were.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Horror, Horror essays

Horror, Horror essays H.P. Lovecrafts the oldest and the strongest emotion of mankind is fear of unknown may be told within a different context and content, in spite of that it implies the real J. Conrads Heart of Darkness is a kind of story about unknown, that is more violent and different from the fear, but releases the horror. Although it can be related with ethic and colonialism by a conjunction its more about the characters themselves entirely. Although colonialists (the self) tried to rotate Africa to a symbolic frame to be named. Africa was the other, which could not be described, tamed and familiarized, so couldnt be expired, reversed binary oppositions of the West. Africa is neither A or nor B, but uncanny where the rational and irrational, named and unnamed, evil and good, sane and insane was got together, and with its characters it made colonialist confused because of even not knowing their (the self) places and side. So its a shallow, dark, wild and dreadful part which is neccesarry to destr oy to be named. African people is so distant to western oriented culture and society as if theyre aliens of a distant planet. Think of Marlow and others descriptions, are remarkable about the savages and the nature of Africa. (Laterly, this weirdly wild and fearful nature of Africa will represent the soul of Kuntz). Colonists went in order to attack, exploit and tame, but the nature of the invaded one didnt permit that. The self is described with the other. Their extinction is related to each other mutually. West describes itself with what it is not so. But in the heart of darkness where there is no prohibitions, princibles, ethics, procedurs, etc. but only primitive nature of mankind and basic desires such as violence, survival, sexuality, and emotions like hate and fear, how will the self describes and establishes itself against the other Probably the self and the other will be the sa...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mobil and the American Automobile Association Research Paper

Mobil and the American Automobile Association - Research Paper Example Vallen and Vallen (2001) observe that ratings and audits for hotels can be a subjective business. He points out that in some countries where the rating systems are handled by the government, there is a great possibility that bribery, politics, and trade association bickering will affect the rating of an establishment. The Star Rating system RACV endorses is handled, not by the government, but by a private enterprise – the AAA Tourism group. This is much akin to the system adopted by the Americans – who use ratings from enterprises such as the American Automobile Association and Mobil. This has the effect of avoiding the political influence of a governmental rating system. The auditing for AAA Tourism’s ratings is done by local assessors. Vallen and Vallen further note that local assessors have a tendency to be subjective in their ratings. They observed that these assessors usually award full points for the mere presence of amenities and not the quality of such. I n comparison, the guidelines stipulated by the AAAT have a rigid point system that relies heavily on the quality of existing amenities. From observation, it may be said that these guidelines serve to mitigate such biases. One point in the assessment process of AAAT that raises questions is the fact that assessors are required by the system to make their visits announced (AAAT 2003). Other rating firms will conduct their assessments anonymously. This is, presumably, to capture the natural atmosphere and typical quality a hotel offers on any given day. The question with planned visits is that hotel management is given the opportunity to prepare what may be considered as a contrived sense of quality.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

What do You Understand by Economic Protectionism Essay

What do You Understand by Economic Protectionism - Essay Example Free trade is known to be more favorable to consumers and hence such protectionism hurts the consumers more (Lee, 2001). The reason for this is mostly consumers have to buy low quality goods at a higher price. The quality of goods obtained at this is far more inferior. They even have to pay higher taxes in order to help the government bear the burden of subsidies. They are of left with little choices since foreign products are lowered or eliminated by imposing restrictions. The case is worst when it comes to essential commodities like food grains, salt, and sugar. The political argument offered for such protection is to have a ‘fair’ trade. This means either the government is trying to make the domestic industries more competitive in international market or it wants to strike a balance between importing goods and maintaining domestic production. Although it is argued that producers are favored with this policy of protection but at the same time they are losing consumers on account of this. Not all industries and firms are receiving protection and subsidies. The ones deprived of such facilities are again diversely hit as they try to increase productivity (Lee, 2001). Economists have also favored free trade than such protection because trade carries the advantages of increased productivity and employment. However real life case examples will help to point out the implications of such protection. Japanese protection for rice production can be cited as an example. Japanese people had been worshipping rice as god and had been fighting to protect rice production. Japanese government has offered subsidies to rice farmers (Barlett, 2006). This and prevention of foreign rice imports has been adopted as strategies for protection. Previously heavy snowing has distorted rice...These policies are adopted when the country is giving more importance to development of domestic industries rather than engaging in free trade. Economic Protectionism has tremendous infl uence on consumption as well as production. But the impact is more on the production side. Sometimes protection is offered to some scale industries who hardly show any incentive to grow and just wasting the opportunities and facilities offered by the government. Neither they have any incentive to innovate and produce better quality products. The country suffers a loss of revenue that it could have earned from trade. This is because other countries retaliate in a similar manner by imposing restrictions on the country’s exports. Government is worse off by losing revenue from trade. In some cases the government also offers subsidies to the industries for growth which is helpful only if the industry has the potential to compete with its foreign counterparts. Moreover urban development demands more landscapes for which they are concentrating on acquisition of rice fields. This will make farmers lose their livelihood. So the government has stepped forward to protect rice farming. It restricts cheap imported rice from entering Japan and at the same time helps the farmers with a support price. Hence rice farming protection can be considered justified here.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Prove or conversely disprove the inverse square law Essay Example for Free

Prove or conversely disprove the inverse square law Essay My aim of this experiment is to prove or conversely disprove the inverse square law, which simply states that the intensity of any point source, which spreads its influence equally in all directions without a limit to its range, will decrease in intensity inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Background information Research As first proposed by Isaac Newton when proposing his universal law of gravitation it became clear to him that the intensity of gravity would decrease according to the inverse of the square of the distance. This is the heart of the inverse square, which states for any point source, which spreads its influence equally in all directions without a limit to its range, will obey the inverse square law. Quite simply the inverse square law states that for sources emitted from a point the intensity will be deduced as the inverse of the square of the distance. You double the distance you reduce the intensity by a factor of 1/4. This has applications in electric fields, light, sound, gamma radiation, and gravity. All of these are expressed in the medium of a field. To explain the properties involved in a field it is useful to use the idea of flux. When water flows form a source to a sink it is transferred at a certain rate, or flux. The flux density will be the mass of water per second crossing a unit area perpendicular to the flow. We can think of energy density in a similar way. Energy flux density is normally referred to as intensity. Field strength and energy flux density are related. The strength of a field will fall off proportionally. The idea of flux can be applied to fields in which there is no obvious evidence for anything actually being transferred, such as static electrical fields, gravitational fields and magnetic fields. The mathematics that model flux are the same whatever the field. Generally this can be summed up in a formula which states the intensity at a point on a sphere of influence will be deduced by the source strength divided by 4 times pi times the radius squared, where this is the surface area over which the initial source has spread its influence. I = S / 4? r2 This formula manifests itself in a variety of ways when put into context. When applied to gravity the formula to show the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a body is, 4? GM = Intensity at the surface of sphere of influence. Where G is the gravitational constant, M the mass of the object, and r the distance from the centre point. By cancelling out the 4? section we are left with the more elegant formula, GM = acceleration due to gravity r2 Where acceleration due to gravity would be equivalent to the intensity of the source. As the distance is doubled, the intensity is reduced by a factor of 4. So theoretically gravity obeys the inverse square law. When applied to sound we get the formula, P = I 4? r2 Where P is the source power, I the intensity at surface of sphere, and r the distance from the source power. So again we see that as we double the distance we reduce the intensity by a factor of 4. The differce here that as sound is not of ethereal nature it is affected by its surroundings and only works without reflections, or reverberations. The behaviour of point charges in an electrostatic field will obey coulombs law, which in turn obeys the inverse square law. The formula here is, Q = E 4 0 r2 Where Q/? 0 is the source strength, E is the strength of the electrostatic field, and r is the distance. So again we see that as the distance is doubled, the intensity of the field is reduced by a factor of four.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Structural Elements of Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye Essay -- Bluest

The Bluest Eye: Structural Elements In The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison employs structure as an aid for telling her story. She uses at least three unique structural devices for this purpose. First, Morrison begins the novel with three passages that prepare the reader for the shocking tale about to be told. Second, the novel is divided into four major parts with each quarter given the name of a season. Third, the novel is further divided into seven sections that are headed by a portion of the passage that began the novel. The three passages that begin The Bluest Eye appear to be from a grade school primer. They portray a family's life in identical terms, but they differ in punctuation, capitalization, and spacing. The first passage is normal in all of these aspects: Here is the house. It is green and white. It has a red door. It is very pretty. Here is the family. Mother, Father, Dick, and Jane live in the green-and-white house. They are very happy. See Jane. She has a red dress. She wants to play. Who will play with Jane? The second passage lacks punctuation and capitalization Here is the house it is green and white it has a red door it is very pretty here is the family mother father dick and jane live in the green-and-white house they are very happy see jane she has a red dress she wants to play who will play with jane The third passage lacks all --- punctuation, capitalization, and spacing. According to Herbert Rice, "what appears on the page is quite literally a chaotic array of letters" (19): Hereisthehouseitisgreenandwhiteithasareddooritisveryprettyhereisthefamilymotherfatherdic kandjaneliveinthegreenandwhitehousetheyareveryahppyseejaneshehasareddressshewantsto playw... ...have a few parallels in their lives: both are searching for someone to play with them, and both find the answer in a friend, although Pecola's friend is imaginary. The Bluest Eye is an innovative novel whose touching and compelling story could not have been told without Morrison's unique structural devices. One such tool is the use of seasons to divide the narrative and put an interesting twist on the order of events. Perhaps the most unique structural element is the three primer passages that begin the novel. The first passage introduces a model household to which the rest of the families in the novel are compared. Finally, an equally innovative structural element is the use of lines from the primer passages to head subsections in the novel, illustrating the vast differences between the mythological Dick and Jane world and the reality of black family life.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Introduced to the children Essay

Nowadays, there are so many children television shows introduced to the children. Which are being interactive in a way and the children are enjoying and learning (without them knowing it). One of these shows is the â€Å"Dora the Explorer† of NickJr. , which is very popular nowadays. As it was described the show was created â€Å"†¦starring a 7-year-old Latina girl and her friends. The show is designed to actively engage preschoolers in a play-along, computer-style adventure. † [About Dora the Explorer (n. d. ),Retrieved November 10, 2007from www. nickjr. com/shows/dora/about_dora. jhtml. ] In this particular episode, when Dora received her backpack as a gift from her parents. It was her mother who informed her that she has a present from them. Like a common mother who is loving and caring to her child she was so proud in informing Dora of the gift. While the father is very proud to present the gift to her and telling her all about the backpack. Of how special it is, as her mother had mentioned. The father informed Dora that all she needs is inside the backpack. There are thirteen characters in this episode and mostly are males, only five characters are female including the main character Dora. Comparing with the other female characters, Dora is what you might say of the strong character. As earlier mentioned, he mother is the loving and caring person of her child. While her backpack which was represented by a female voice, represents exactly what is Dora’s character. Also the library’s door is being represented by a female voice, which only shows how friendly and approachable a library is. As for the librarian, we all know that the usual librarian is a female. It is well represented, as a librarian who is friendly, knows who regularly goes to the library. And knows how many books are to be returned by the borrower. While the male characters, are well represented. The father, who cares and loves her daughter, knows what’s best for her. Boots, a caring friend and assistant to Dora always follows her wherever she goes. Though there are times that he gets in trouble, Dora always helps him get out of it. While Drool who doesn’t like anyone to cross his bridge, is like Scrooge. He gives them riddle to solve and if they can’t answer correctly they can’t pass through. While, Swiper the Fox, Dora’s enemy

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Animal Testing is Cruel - 1340 Words

All around the globe, animal testing has been the most controversial and frequently debated topic. Animal testing is cruel, however, it has helped us develop and become more advanced in sciences and technology. Below are the points and reasons for and against the motion, discussed to help you pick your side. Issues related to animal experimentation are frequently discussed these days, particularly in the media. It is often said that animals should not be used in testing because it is cruel and unnecessary. This essay will examine the arguments for and against animal testing. A reason against would be that without doubt, animal testing is gruesome and exceptionally vicious. We basically put animals through torture for our benefit and selfish reasons. We talk of how ‘justice should be served’ all the time, but isn’t this unfair? Aren’t we snatching away animal rights? Aren’t we exploiting helpless animals? First and foremost, animal experiments are unkind and cause animals a lot of pain. In addition, they feel that many tests are not really important, and in fact animals are not only used to test new medicines but also new cosmetics, which could be tested on humans instead. Another issue is that sometimes an experiment on animals gives us the wrong result because animals’ bodies are not exactly the same as our own. As a consequence, this testing may not be providing the safety that its proponents claim. Many would say animal testing would be useful because it saves the livesShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing Is Wrong And Cruel Animals1195 Words   |  5 Pageshas made me realize that animal testing is wrong and cruel to animals. I will be going over some of the history of animal testing, giving examples of some of the tests that are being performed, and mentioning some of the laws and acts created. While reading through this think is this test necessary when the animals will be put through cruel procedures. This is why I think that animal testing should be reevaluated to see if it is really worthwhile. What is animal testing some people ask, and whyRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane1323 Words   |  6 PagesThousands of animals every year are euthanized due to animal testing. Animal testing is cruel and an inhumane way to torture animals for mankind’s own benefit. Because of our selfish, millions of animals suffered a vicious and painful death in the name of research every year. Animals are frequently used in biological and medical research, in the testing of drugs and commercial products, and in educational exercises in the sciences. So, can we ask ourselves, deeply in mind, that is it worth to useRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Cruel Or Beneficial?1154 Words   |  5 PagesDo you know what happens behind the closed doors of scientist labs? You probably do not because of the cruel things that animals go through every day. People probably don t think this is a big deal, but I am neutral on the subject. But, I do see the wrong and right things that are happening. Ani mals are taken advantage of in terrible ways every single day in scientists labs all around the world. But, they help us with many health benefits. Health benefits at could change and even cure some diseasesRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane1229 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of animals to carry out the tests before implementing the solution for human beings. The idea has always served as a disadvantage for the animals citing the pains and strains that they undergo during such processes. After keen observation of the experience of the animals, individuals developed varying opinions of whether to be in support of the practice or against it. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane Animal testing serves in promoting cruelty and inhumanity among the animals. In theirRead MoreCruel Methods Of Animal Testing2812 Words   |  12 PagesWhy do U.S companies still use cruel methods of animal testing despite The Animal Welfare Act of 1966? Millions of animals are used in painful experimentation yearly. Animals such as rabbits, dogs, cats, guinea pigs and monkeys are used in extreme testing for drugs, cosmetic and household products.( In the United States, no matter how cruel, pointless or painful an experiment is, it is always legal. The usage of animals in research goes way back to the early 1900’sRead MoreCosmetic Testing with Animals is Cruel Essay1302 Words   |  6 PagesCruelty of Cosmetic Testing on Animals    Each year, thousands of animals are brutally tortured in laboratories, in the name of cosmetic research. A movement to ban animal testing for cosmetic purposes has been gaining popularity, with many companies hopping on the bandwagon against this research. New alternatives have been developed to eliminate the necessity to test on animals. This is only a small beginning of what is necessary to end these immoral acts. Animal testing in cosmetics is uselessRead MoreAnimal Testing: a Cruel and Inhumane Way881 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Testing Mariana Alexandra Anaya Martà ­nez Universidad del Valle de Mà ©xico Additional language to Spanish III Dinorah Rodriguez November 12, 2012 Right now, millions of animals are locked inside cold barren cages in laboratories across the world. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. Animal testing is cruelRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Cruel And Unusual Punishment2041 Words   |  9 Pagesan emotional debate over the use of animals in pharmaceutical research. The core question is whether animals have moral rights and if they should be accepted and protected by humans. This is widely philosophical question, but the answer has many possible consequences. For example, if any animal of any species has a right to life, then should it be wrong to kill them? If animals have a right to freedom, then is it be wrong to hold them in captivity? If animals have a right to happiness and securityRead More Animal Testing is Unnecessary and Cruel Essay example480 Words   |  2 Pagesdown a rabbits throat is effective. Testing on animals is a highly disagreeable process that should not be allowed. An animal is a living thing and so is a human. They eat, sleep, and live their life. Animals have rights. Why is it allowed that animals have to suffer so a human can use Windex? It has been proven that animals are still used to test items like cleaning products, which help humankind, less than medicines or surgery. Another point why animal testing is wrong is because of the brutal