Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Vascular Dementia Is A Health Disorderâ€Free Samples For Students

Question: Discuss About The Vascular Dementia Is A Health Disorder? Answer: Introducation Vascular dementia is a health disorder in which there is inadequate supply of blood to the brain. It occurs in individuals who have a high blood pressure and cholesterol level, diabetes and smoking habit. But around 50% cases of vascular dementia in individuals occur due hypertension. It has been reported in the year 2017that there are more than413,106Australian people living with dementia. It leads to impairment in planning, judgment and reasoning in patients. It mostly occurs along with Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers disease mainly leads to forgetfulness in patients. Mrs. Janet in the case study, experiences some of those symptoms. The diagnosis of vascular dementia Mrs. Janet McKay who is a 86 year old widow has drastically affected her average daily living. She lives in the Sunset Residential aged Care Facility.She has recently returned from an acute care hospital after undergoing a hip replacement surgery and rehabilitation. Mrs. Janet is suffering from an early stage of Alzheimers disease and vascular dementia which is in a progressing condition .She argues with her staff when they wish to take her for shower. Once she pushed her carer away from herself when he tried to take her for shower. Mrs. Janet is on a few medications currently such as Paracetamol OSTEO TDS, 100mg daily aspirin and 0.2 mg nocte despmopressin. However, in this essay three nursing issues that have been prioritized. Risk of falls due to decreased mobility as well as emotional distress and anxiety will be explained further following the eight stages of clinical reasoning cycle of Levett-Jones. Vascular dementia management Management of Vascular dementia is crucial for the patients to improve their quality of life. It involves the administration of anti platelet drugs and control of vascular risk factors that occur on a major basis. It is reported that Aspirin plays a significant role in slowing the progression of vascular dementia. Antidepressants are also considered safe and effective treatment in treating symptoms of dementia. There are several nursing interventions to manage the disease. Relatedly, Mrs. Janet is also experiencing similar symptoms. She not able to reach washroom on time. She also has a large skin tear on her lower leg as she bumped her leg against the wheelie walker. She takes the support of a wheelie walker but forgets to use it in a regular manner. Janet always had strong opinions and she has always been living independently. Thirdly, establishing goal for Mrs. Janet is vital so that she could maintain her disease and continue to improve her quality of life. The main goal in her case is that she is able to walk freely (Daly, Speedy Jackson, 2017 explain that she should be advised a few exercises and to lower down the pain. Nurses should follow proper strategies so that the health of Mrs. Janet is improved and she is able to walk freely. There are several tools for the assessment of pain that can be used if she is feeling uncomfortable (Wall et al., 2014).The nurses should treat her empathy and be courteous and respectful towards her. She should be given proper counseling so that she can explain the severity of the pain she is suffering from. The clinicians should be supportive and should provide guidelines on the various precautions to be taken. Lastly, various tools for the assessment of pain should be used if she is feeling discomfort. They should also make sure they solve their problems and issues. Mrs. Janet should be treated empathetically and with courteousness and should be counseled properly so that she can explain the severity of her pain. Improving the mobility of the patient Vascular dementia may lead to a large number of symptoms such as changes in thinking and perception, confusion, disorientation issues in speaking or understanding speech and the loss of vision. Similar case is with Mrs. Janet because a gradual increase in her symptoms will affect her mobility and limit her daily activities. Falls risk assessment would be another process to acquire the information about her risk of falls. Community nurses, moreover, require taking appropriate actions along with Diana to achieve the goal of minimizing falls and improve her average daily living. The nursing staff and the clinicians should help Mrs. Janet in exercising regularly and provide physiotherapy sessions which would play a significant role in improving her mobility. They should investigate and keep in track if she is suffering from severe pain. It would help her in gaining mobility take control by herself which would make her independent gain (Huber, 2013).Since, Mrs. Janet is suffering from an early stage of Alzheimers disease and vascular dementia she should be provided palliative care which is a special type of care given to patients. It should be given to her in an efficient way which would help her to get rid from physical pain and stress. It involves the collaborative efforts of several clinicians, nursing staff to help the patient in getting well soon and improve their health. There are several nursing care goals for providing priority nursing care in relation to the nursing issues that have been identified. Mrs. Janet should be empowered and provided care by understanding her needs and demands. She should also be provided psychosocial care that will help her to get rid of depressive symptoms, pain and anxiety developed due to surgery. She should be advised to follow a few precautions to manage emotional issues like taking regular exercise and a well balanced diet. She should also discuss her issues with other patients who had undergone the hip replacement surgery. Lastly, the evaluation in Mrs. Janets mobility and risk of falls could be acquired through the assessment of falls risk and postural inability and gait disability scale. Nutrition and hydration It is very important to have a well balanced diet and plenty of fluids in patients suffering from vascular dementia and who have undergone hip replacement surgery. Hence .Mrs. Janet should be advised to have a nutritional diet along with plenty of fluids which would help in the regeneration of tissue and healing. She should be advised protective measures to avoid various kinds of infection, injuries after the patient has under gone surgery. They should wash hands in a regular manner as it is significant in preventing infection. The nursing staff should use clean and aseptic techniques in order to prevent contamination (Ball et al., 2013). The main goal in the case of Mrs. Janet is that she recovers soon after the surgery. She should be given proper antibiotics, that is Paracetamol OSTEO TDS as prescribed by the doctor. Nursing care for Mrs. Janet are that she should be encouraged to take appropriate amount of rest which would help in conserving her energy and avoid fatigue. She should be advised several exercises such lifting weight swimming and cycling to increase the strength of her muscles which would prevent the risk of fall while walking. There are various risks involved with hip replacement surgery such as cramps and pain in muscles, sleep issues and depression. Mrs. Janet can also be provided counseling with a health counselor to share her feelings that will help her in feeling positive( Epstein Turner,2015). The doctors and the nursing staff should provide proper care and post- operative follow ups to Mrs. Janet. Mrs. Janet should be counseled and guided properly to take appropriate rest and several precautions to improve the condition of her health. She should be advised to follow the principles of self- actualization which is known to lead to a healthy mental state and will foster to improve her positive attributes and do not focus on their negative attributes. She would be self-determined and have a high self esteem (Niemela Kim, 2014). Lastly, the evaluation of the nutritional and fluid content can be done by performing several blood tests to check for the level of water, iron, vitamins and proteins in her body. She should also be asked about her mental and emotional issues or problems to assess her psychological status such as if he is still suffering from depression, anxiety, sadness, anger or frustration (Ehde et. al.2014). The nursing staff should process the information gathered by them by analyzing the data by proper understanding of important signs and symptoms in the patient They should discriminate correct from incorrect information to avoid any errors in the treatment procedure. Hence, it can be concluded that if Mrs. Janet is provided proper nursing care by the nursing staff and other health care professionals she will recover soon and improve her life. A proper communication to patients plays an important role in improving the hospital journey and reduces the anxiety, stress and depressive symptoms. Regular follow-ups should also be conducted for Mrs. Janet to keep a check on her health. It may lead to mental issues such as depression and may have an adverse effect on the psychological condition of the patient. The nurses and other healthcare professionals should help her and provide psychosocial care along with palliative care so that she gets well soon. The nurses and the healthcare professionals should relate the information of Mrs. Janet in order to develop a relationship between them. They should also consider if there are nay alternatives and perform a logical interpretation of the opinions that are being made. They should compare the present and the past condition of the patient by performing an expert process and finally predict an outcome. The facts obtained and the inferences should be synthesized to lead to a proper diagnosis of the problem. They should establish a proper goal and take proper action on the same. The staff should evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies used and finally reflect what they have learnt from that particular situation. References Ball, J. E., Murrells, T., Rafferty, A. M., Morrow, E., Griffiths, P. (2013). Care left undoneduring nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of care.Quality and Safety in Health Care, bmjqs-2012. Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D. 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